Multimedia update
The 2007 sailing season is well underway, and we’ve been busy documenting some of the activities with photos and video. It will take some time to sort through the media we’ve acquired, and we’re exploring different options for streamlining the workflow.
Here’s some of the events that you can look forward to seeing online in days ahead (as quickly time permits, given our busy schedule):
2007-04-29 sailboat delivery, river trip, mast stepping at Columbia YC – photos
2007-05-09 foggy Dusable Harbor, Chicago Police rescue dive training – photos
2007-05-09 Columbia Yacht Club Beer Can Prep School – photos
2007-05-27 LMSRF Area III race dock prep, boat return – photos
2007-05-30 Columbia YC Beer Can Race – HD video
2007-06-02 MORF race –sailing with new crew, no photo/video
2007-06-03 LMSRF Area III race – HD video
2007-06-03 LMSRF Area III race return, rainbow, wildlife – photos
We usually shoot while racing and actively sailing, rather than as bystanders, which provides a fresh and exciting perspective compared to more static viewpoints. Of course, it has special challenges because of our other simultaneous crew responsiblities, but we get it worked out.
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